The principle and function of sand blasting machine

The blasting machine is a machine that uses compressed air as a power to form a high-speed jet beam. It can spray at a high speed to the surface of the workpiece and change the mechanical properties of the outer surface of the workpiece surface. Due to the impact of the abrasive on the surface of the workpiece , the surface of the workpiece is given a certain degree of cleanliness and different roughness, so that the mechanical properties of the surface of the workpiece are improved, thereby improving the fatigue resistance of the workpiece, increasing it and coating The adhesion between the layers prolongs the durability of the coating film, and also facilitates the leveling and decoration of the coating, removes impurities, mottling and oxide layers on the surface, and at the same time roughens the surface of the medium to cause residual stress on the surface of the substrate. And the effect of increasing the surface hardness of the substrate.

Unlike other sand treatment equipment, the sand blasting machine can use abrasive materials to be sprayed onto the surface of the workpiece by means of compressed air. According to the characteristics of the sand blasting machine, the sand blasting machine is suitable for cleaning the rough surface of forged castings, stamping parts and machined parts.

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