How to choose glass edging machine manufacture?

In the glass deep processing industry, the glass edger is the most useful equipment, so it is very important to choose the glass edger manufacturer as a purchaser of the glass factory. First of all, pay attention to the following points when purchasing:

  1. Selection: According to the actual edging condition of the enterprise, choose the suitable number of grinding heads depending on the requirement of polishing brightness. The more the number of grinding heads, the brighter the polishing, the faster the speed and the more functions.

2. Sharpening accuracy: According to your actual needs, this can not be seen directly from the introduction of the product and the manufacturer’s words, most of the manufacturer’s technical parameters are not true. Go to the site to see the actual demonstration and the actual use of the glass manufacturer.

3. Mechanical part: The guarantee of stability and precision, first of all, the rationality of the design and installation of the mechanical part will be important factors. How to ensure the flatness of the mechanical part, how to prevent deformation, whether the machine is a casting assembly is the important parts of testing mechanical stability.

Glass beveling machine

4. Function: The function of the edger is an important indicator to verify the performance of the edge grinding. Whether it has a 45° chamfer, whether it can be tailed, whether it has a lubrication head seat function, etc.

At present, there are nearly one hundred manufacturers of glass edging machines in China, but there are not many manufacturers that can mature and quantify. When choosing an edging machine, we must be cautious. We cannot simply look at the information and publicity, and we need to consider all aspects in order to avoiding detours.

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